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The input() function in Python is a built-in function that reads a line from the input (usually from the user) and returns it as a string. It allows the program to interact with the user by prompting the user to enter some value.

Parameter Values

Parameter Description

A string that is printed on the screen while waiting for the user to input data. It informs the user what kind of input is expected.

Return Values

The input() function in Python always returns a str (string) type.

How to Use input() in Python

Example 1:

Read a integer number from the user and print it back

num = int(input('Enter a number: '))
print('You entered:', num)
Example 2:

Ask for user's name and print a greeting message

name = input('What is your name? ')
print('Hello,', name, 'Nice to meet you!')
Example 3:

Take a list of numbers as input and calculate the sum

numbers = [int(x) for x in input('Enter numbers separated by space: ').split()]
sum_of_numbers = sum(numbers)
print('Sum of numbers:', sum_of_numbers)