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Full Stack Python Developer with Hadoop

Full Stack Python Developer with Hadoop
Computer Enterprises, Inc.
11 months 1 week ago

Job Details

  • Candidate preferred industry background:

    Prefer same background (technology) Full Stack Hadoop Developer Candidate Technical and skills profile:

    Key responsibilities:

    • Constant communication with LOB
    • Interfacing with LOB
    • Getting direction from Tech Lead
    • Creating scripts
    • Hands on developer
    • Taking care of timelines
    • Interacting with other tech teams for input
    • Self-driven

    Must have technical skills/experience (ask for alternative/tool/version):

    1. Python
    2. Shell Script
    3. SQL
    4. HADOOP
    5. Apache Hive
    6. Apache Spark
    7. Apache Sqoop
    8. Cloudera Data Platform
    9. CA Endevor
    10. Anaconda
    11. JIRA Confluence Bitbucket
    12. Jenkins CI
    13. Protegrity
    14. COBOL, JCL, ISPF
    15. IBM Mainframe
    16. MobaXTerm (putty)
    17. POSTMAN
    18. VS code
    19. Ultraedit or any Texteditor

    Flex Skills:

    API development

    Streaming Data (Kafka) Soft skills that would make a candidate successful in this role:



    Communication skills

    Education: Flexible on BA, experience more important

    Years of experience: Level 3

    Screening Questions:

    1. What are some situations where you have communicated effectively?
    2. What projects have you been involved with from start to completion?

    Role Differentiator: What is different about this specific role compared to other hiring with the same skill set? Path for possibility of FTE, good team dynamics, good team environment, very productive and fulfilling

    Logistics (Interviews):

    • 1st Round 30 mins
    • 2nd Round 30 mins HM, tech lead, experts related to big data- panel style

    Updated Skills ranking - per manager

    Rank Skill

Expertise level