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Software Developer

Software Developer
9 months 2 weeks ago


  • Development of automation solutions for the network and the continuous integration in local hosting environments of Orange countries. The solutions can leverage some automation frameworks like Cisco NSO or opensource controllers and involve specific developments using for example Python or Ansible.
  • Design studies with other architects and developers of the department related to the automation of the operations for services configuration or fault management of IP and Transport networks.


You will join Innovation Networks - the driving force behind the network innovation and strategy for the whole Orange Group, providing support to Orange affiliates for implementing on their local market.



  • Strong Experience in software development (Python, Java, Ansible, use of Rest APIs)
  • Experience in Cloud environments: Docker, Kubernetes, Helm
  • Experience in Devops: CI/CD pipelines and infrastructure management (K8S, Terraform)
  • Ability to work in a multicultural and international environment
  • Good communication in Polish and English

Nice to have:

  • Basic knowledge of IP networks will be appreciated (you can get on-the-job training for developing additional network skills if necessary)
  • Master degree or equivalent in IT
  • Knowledge of French



Seules vos compétences comptent

Quel que soit votre âge, genre, origine, religion, orientation sexuelle, neuroatypie, handicap ou apparence, nous encourageons la diversité au sein de nos équipes car c’est une force pour le collectif et un vecteur d’innovation Orange est une entreprise handi-accueillante: n'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos besoins spécifiques.

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7ème du classement Universum (Entreprises préférées des étudiants IT)

91% de nos stagiaires et apprentis recommandent Orange (Happy Trainees)

Depuis 2011, Orange a obtenu le label GEEIS (Gender Equality European & International Standard) dans une vingtaine de pays

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